Communication!!! - (2002-02-06, 8:18 a.m.)

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Ever had a time where you're just done with something? Yep, that's me right now.

This whole deal since the promotion has been nothing but a pain. The guy that I'm working with (we'll call him K) has a serious problem with communication.

Okay, I'll start at the beginning here. He's the night trainer, and I'm the daytime trainer. The new class that's starting is going to be working nights, so he's kind of in charge. The only input that I had in creating curriculum was making the manual. That's it. As far as what to cover when? Yeah, forget it, all my ideas were shot down or just disregarded completely.

I have messed up my own personal schedule in order to allow me to spend more time with the new class. I did this on a voluntary basis, it's not something that I had to do. I did it to be nice.

Nevertheless, K has not been planning very well, as he gives tests and study time when I am able to spend time with the class. What does this mean to Katress? This means that she sits around and picks her ass (Well, figuratively anyways) when K could be having the class do this later when Katress isn't f*&%ing up her personal schedule to help out.

So I've also been asking for him to send me an email at the end of the day to keep me posted on their progress. Has this happened. Um, once. One time. Can you tell I've reached the end of my rope? Yep.

Monday before I left I told K that I was going to go through all the worksheets that he had printed out to make keys for them. So here I am yesterday doing worksheets that I am not all that confident about---for one thing the information that they contain in no way pertains to our account---and have been slaving to get them done.

I get almost all the way done and walk over to talk to K. What's he doing? He's making a freaking key for the worksheet that he just gave the new class that I did 15 minutes ago!

This crap has got to stop. I was so mad that by the time I got home yesterday I just bawled. I have been messing up my schedule, he's been messing up worksheets and making a complete disaster of them and freaking redoing everything that I've been trying to do to help out. Not to mention the fact that I don't get any time to work with the class because it's all "study time" or "quiz time" which isn't exactly interactive.

I sent my boss and my boss's boss an email yeseterday that said I wanted to speak to them about this today after I had a chance to cool off! I'm still pretty upset, but it's better today.

I've just come to the conclusion that unless communication improves A LOT that I'm not going to bust my ass trying to do things that K is redoing anyway. The straw broke this camels back yesterday, let me tell you.

I'm still pissed.

last - next

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