War Dreams - (2002-02-05, 8:35 a.m.)

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Hubby is having war dreams again.

While this may not have much significance to anyone but me and him, it's been a tough week.

He'll sit bolt upright in bed in the middle of the night, all sweaty and his heart is racing. I think it might be because of B-I-L being on a mission right now, and after Hubby worked with the Rangers last weekend...I think it's just all building up. All this despite the fact that he has three freaking tests this week, one in Psych, one in Astronomy, and the last in Digital Systems. Plus a paper that he didn't understand for English class.

I wish there was something that I could do to help him out with the stress that he's under right now. These war dreams don't happen unless he's super duper stressed. He's taken to stealing all the blankets again too. Not that this upsets me, I just know it's a sign that he's frustrated.

This all happened when he started school too. And before that, when he got out of the Marine Corps.

He's told me about a few of them, but mostly when he wakes up he just remembers bits and pieces. One that he told me about recently basically set him in a foxhole and he had to run out under fire to save one of the newer guys that was a lower rank (a troublemaker too, actually) from being shot.

Am I the only wife that has to deal with stuff like this? Does anyone have any advice??? I just hope that there is something that I can do to help. He acts like the war dreams don't bother him, but I know that they do.

He can't even tell me about some of the stuff that he does for training, especially in the Marines where he had a secret clearance. There's not really anyone for him to talk to about this stuff either, because he would get in trouble if any of the information got out.

This is just the last thing that he needs right now, with all the college stuff. HELP!

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