Aloe Plants - (2002-02-04, 12:10 p.m.)

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For some reason my entry from yesterday didn't post. What the heck happened to that???

Anyhow, I wanted to share some googles that I got yesterday. "Marines naked in the shower." What kind of sick person are you? Enlist, you'll see plenty of Marines naked in the shower, probably more than you ever dreamed of, but I wouldn't suggest letting them catch you looking. Could be hazardous to your health, if you know what I mean.

Also "Marine girlfriend T-shirt." Nope, never seen one. Just the Marine Corps wife t-shirt. "Toughest job in the Corps!" Good luck with that though. Hope you find one.

I also had addressed a question that I had received about repotting an aloe plant. Basically, what the heck to do when you want to divide one that has gotten to large for it's pot.

Aloe is very simple to divide. Just gently remove it from it's pot...tap gently on the sides to loosen the roots up and pull lightly from the top. Aloe is a funny plant, it multiplies by runners off the roots. They grow under the soil and then poke through, so basically an aloe "plant" is usually a collection of little aloe plants! This said, simply take your fingers and pull the roots apart roughly in half. Then repot in the new pot and the original, covering lightly with soil and water liberally.

Generally aloe doesn't like a lot of water, so it's very good for a "first plant." Very forgiving if you forget to water it occasionally as well! Usually I water mine once a week, but it could go for a week and a half without H2O.

I need to take some time next weekend to put together a gardener website. Time, just something I don't have enough of lately! Oh well, I'm still looking for a name...any suggestions?

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