Lazy Girl - (2002-02-04, 9:06 a.m.)

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Okay, I'll admit. I got sucked into watching the second half of the superbowl. Mostly I watched it for the commercials. That one with the Budweiser Clydesdales bowing to the Statue of Liberty just tore me up. U2's performance at half time was wonderful too, although I'm still very overwhelmed with all those names. So yeah, I cried. It's been five months and I still cry about all that stuff. I know that I'm not the only one and it will probably make me cry for years to come, but that somehow doesn't comfort me.

Did I mention that we bought new carpet for the kitchen and a door for our "linen shelves" that were supposed to be a closet? I'm still excited about that. :)

Not to much else going on here. I put in 5 1/2 hours yesterday, and between the other overtime that I know I will put in this week, hopefully I'll be allowed to have Friday off. That would sure be nice, since I didn't really get a weekend this week. A three day weekend, I haven't had one of those in months! Vacation is kind of a foreign concept to me. I wish it weren't!

I am feeling substantially better than I was this weekend though, I think I may have had a 24 hour bug or something. I just felt dizzy and weak and generally icky. Great medical term, that "icky." LOL I'm sure someone would be able to diagnose like that! Anyhow, I'm feeling better today despite the fact I didn't really have the opportunity to eat breakfast because this lazy woman just got up, put my hair into a ponytail and left. I love lazy days.

I'm getting boring, I'll stop here. ;)

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