More Military Stuff - (2002-02-01, 10:01 a.m.)

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Very happy news last night. Hubby called one of his friends that's a recruiter for the Marine Corps down in Joplin, MO and he's getting meritoriously promoted to Staff Sgt!

This is going to happen June 3rd, so we're going to try to get down to MO to visit the three families that are down there who we were stationed in Quantico with! Incredibly fun, as we haven't seen them for a year and a half and Hubby and I both miss all of them a lot.

That's just great though, Meritorious Sgt, which is what Hubby got is pretty infrequent, but Meritorious Staff Sgt? Wow, that's quite an accomplishment. I'm so proud of him, I guess he's been recruiting up a storm.

Hubby figured that he would have been meritoriously promoted IF he would have been in Marine Security Batallion, but as I've explained, I kind of goofed that up for him. (Hazard duty, can't be married etc.) Oh well, he's planning on retiring from the National Guard now.

Oh, also THANK YOU PRESIDENT BUSH! When Hubby first started college, the GI bill was only $550/month. In November it was raised to $675/month, and as of February 1 it is $900/month! Apparently, they are going to increase it to just over $1000/month before the year is over. I can't explain how much this helps my family. It's hard to make ends meet in the first place, and being so underpaid when active duty a savings account wasn't really an option.

It's true, by the way, what they say about most lower ranking families being on WIC or food stamps. They actually encouraged this! The only reason we weren't is because we didn't have any little ones.

Now please don't think I'm whining. I know that we were not the only ones that were struggling to get by on $1,000 or so a month...even with "free" housing.

So yes, thanks President Bush. We really appreciate it. :) Life will be a little easier and maybe we can have a savings account for the first time in our married lives.

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