Whoops! No Tire! - (2002-01-31, 8:33 a.m.)

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I completely forgot to talk about what happened on my way to work yesterday.

It's been cold around here this week, sometimes overnight it drops to -20 degrees! So yesterday I started my car with my lovely new auto start, and hopped in to be on my merry little way to work. About 1/2 mile out of my driveway my car started making this thump thump thump noise, so I pulled over. It smelled really hot. I was thinking that this is JUST not a good sign, so I called my Mom and asked her if I could get a ride to work. She said that was fine, she would get dressed and be ready to go by the time I got home.

I took a stroll around my car. Um, my front passenger side tire was off. What I mean is, it was totally flat and half on the rim. Needless to say, I called Mom back and asked her if she could come and pick me up as I wasn't going to be able to make it home.

My wonderful husband put on his cold weather gear and put the spare on my car and drove it into town last night and got me two new tires. I didn't realize that he was going to do this, but I guess I have two new tires now. Sometimes when it gets really cold out the bead breaks on the tire/rim and it just comes off when you go around corners. Just another hazard of living around here, but no harm done as it didn't wreck my fender or cause an accident or anything. Thank goodness he got his student loan for second semester so we were able to afford the new tires, even if they weren't quite necessary!

So last night to say thank you, I made him a double batch of peanut butter cookies. They're his favorite! I have peanut butter cookies coming out my ears! Well, not literally but you know what I mean.

My girlfriend Jenn called last night that I had lost contact with for about three years. I still don't know how she tracked me down as we've moved several times, but she found me. It's good to talk to her, and I was teasing her because she drives a Lexus now and when we were in college she had this lil' red roller skate car. :) So I'm awfully sorry that I didn't get a chance to call last night. :( I really wanted to talk to you!

Still looking for gardening questions to start out my page with. I have to say, DirtDiva is awfully cute! Any other suggestions?

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