Miscellaneous Stuff - (2002-01-30, 11:35 a.m.)

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In the last few days I've had some strange googles. The last one was for "special perscription diet cat food." WTF?

I was so incredibly tired last night after I finished my LWDBC book I just fell asleep with the light on. I can't remember the last time that I've done that! PMS just isn't a lot of fun.

Chris has a great rant today about customer service, you should go read it. I proudly hang up on anyone that swears at me or calls in yelling and can't calm down. Don't people understand that when you yell, that makes whomever you're talking to not want to help???

My Mom is now involved in helping me with the "gardenguru" type of site that I'm thinking about starting. She's been surfing around for graphics, and has emailed a couple to me. Any other suggestions? Google searches weren't all that productive.

Anyhow, Zeus was horrible at the obedience school last night. He would not listen to me when I would give him his commands. I guess I should be thankful though, he didn't bite me like another dog did it's owner. There is NO WAY that I would keep a biting dog in my house. Ever. That's just to freaky/scary.

Well, we're really busy at work and I still need to make Jeapordy games...I should sign off.

Also, I'm still open to suggestions for a name for a gardening site. Sign the guestbook if you have any ideas! Thanks. :)

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