New Class and Gardening - (2002-01-29, 8:29 a.m.)

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Well, the first day of class went well. I think everyone needs to loosen up a little bit, and Kevin (the night Learning Specialist) really needs to relax. It was so cute yesterday, I had to keep reminding him to breathe! :)

So more thought has been put into starting a "gardeninggoddess" site on d-land. Any input for good names? Gardeninggoddess seems to be a little long...

I found some pretty flower graphics, but would like something a little more gardeny rather than just blooms. I'll have to take some time this weekend to poke around at some graphics sites. Any suggestions? I would like something with an actual garden and watering can or something. I will know it when I see it. :)

Besides, I know that Blaise did a fantastic job with this design, but I would like to try one myself. I'm fortunate that I know where to go to ask html questions too! Everyone is so helpful with things like that it just amazes me. I'll get some use out of that wonderful O'Reily book too!

So yes, my schedule at work is getting kind of funky--but not nearly as funky as I expect it to be soon. This week I'm only coming in an hour late, and I still have to talk to my manager about coming in 1/2 day on Friday and 1/2 day on Sunday. We'll just have to see how it works out and how fast the class progresses.

They seem to be a bright bunch of people, which is a definite plus. Hopefully there will be some good interaction here when we all get used to each other and more friendly. I'm looking forward to it!

Oh yes, last but not least. We found out more info on what my Brother-In-Law is doing. I can't find the link right now, but I will post it later. Promise. :)

This is cute...

Drink me!
Which drink are you?

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Hospital Stay for Dad
Long time, no write
Soul Sucker
What the F*(&^ is Fibromyalgia?