Gardening Tips - (2002-01-28, 9:39 a.m.)

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I talked to Mollie last night! I really enjoyed it, and I have a feeling that if we met in real life we would have a fantastic time. :) She's such a sweetie!

Well, Hubby came back from his first drill last night, and apparently he got to work with the Army Rangers. Needless to say he was pretty enthused about the whole thing.

I was also featured as a Phenomenal Woman! I really enjoyed filling out Leah's questions, and I think those ladies have a great idea going there, and I've enjoyed reading the entries.

So for the seeds, as promised. :) I planted lavender, a vareity of purple basil with ruffly leaves, a whole bunch of petunias (personal favorite), coleus, and something that is called a ground morning glory. I've never seen this, and it stumped my Mom--Ms. Plant-know-it-all too! Could be interesting to see what comes out of these!

I've been getting lots of questions regarding plant care. Having a few houseplants is something that everyone can just need to find the right house plant for you. If you're a pretty busy person, I would recommend a pothos (Devil's ivy), spider plant, or a mother-in-law's tongue. They are all pretty tough, and if you forget to water them once in a while, oh well. Cacti are also good for the gardener on the go!

If you are more ambitious you can add a liquid fertilizer--I highly recommend Miracle Gro. It's cheap at about $3.50 and it lasts almost forever! Just add a few drops according to the instructions. I fertilize every time I water, but I dilute it quite a bit rather than just the once a month that's recommended.

Seed starting, now I could go on about this. Different people seem to have different luck with seeds. For instance, I cannot grow impateins to save my life. I planted eight packets in four diffrerent ways last year and didn't get a single sprout! A gardening friend of mine can plant them and get ALL OF THEM to sprout. I did the same thing that she did with no luck whatsoever. Maybe I just wasn't meant to have impatiens!

Anyhow, as I'm sure you know by now, more info to come. If you have any questions, please sign my guestbook and let me know!

Maybe I should start an "ask the gardener" website like my fantastic Skincare girl friend. ???

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