Seed Starting - (2002-01-27, 2:32 p.m.)

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Okay, for my Friday night story...

I ended up partying with my Boss's boss. It was actually a lot of fun! She's great to work for, but I guess I just never imagined having some drinks with her and dancing to a band. It was her birthday. :)

I went to Wal*Mart today and bought seeds. I spent about $30 on seeds and seed starting stuff. LOL And I said that I wasn't going to start seeds this year. I can't even lie to myself, can I? :)

I'm trying some old standard stuff that we had great luck with last year and also some new stuff that I haven't seen before. At least this year I have a garden to start putting stuff in, as last year I had nothing! It stayed wet here for so long that some of the stuff that I had so lovingly started died because it got to big in it's pots. That stunk, and I am determined that this year will not be a repeat of last.

I have to go get started! I'll give a list of what I'm starting tomorrow, or perhaps this evening if I get a chance to sit down. This stuff is kind of time consuming-especially the little bitty seeds that you need a tweezers to start with!

Remember, I warned'll probably learn more about gardening and seeds than you really want to if you read here regularly! :)

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