Hubby's Bad Morning - (2002-01-25, 1:27 p.m.)

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Well, even after all the planning this morning did not go as planned. I set my alarm for Hubby at 5 AM and he set his for 5 AM too. I woke up and talked to him, told him about a nightmare that I had in fact...and he didn't wake up.

I woke up at 6:15 and realized that he was still in bed, and flipped out. He was supposed to be a 45 minute drive away at 7:00 AM for his FIRST guard drill, and he's the Sergeant. Not a good first impression, besides the fact that they gave him the old cover, not a beret thingie like all Army wears now. Soooo I hope that he got there okay, and that it's all good.

I just feel like a terrible wife for not getting him up at 5 AM. I should have made sure that he was out of bed and not just talking to me all groggy and stuff. I know this isn't my fault, but I still feel very badly.

On another note, today is my last day at work before the training class starts on Monday. I'm nervous, but I think that we are as prepared as we can be for not having taught a class before.

I also had a very flattering conversation with the person that I've been mentoring with. He said that he had spoken to my account manager and he feels that there really isn't anything more that he can teach me about being a team leader as I have all the qualities necessary. How cool is that? He just said the reason that I haven't been promoted is that there are no openings for leaders!

That's good, because some days I just feel like I'm losing my patience with people. I'm on the phone with this loser that can't even follow instructions and listen to what he needs to do. Grrr...some people, I swear to God. Why would you call customer service if you don't want to listen to what they need to tell you to fix the problem? I'll never understand all that. Duh.

Anyhow, I better get back to doofus, he's walking himself through the website and not being very good about it.

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