Sgt. Hubby - (2002-01-24, 10:54 a.m.)

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Unfortunately today started out quite badly. I woke up late by 1/2 an hour and managed to be ready to go within 23 minutes. Hair washed, make up on and dressed in 23 minutes. That's totally a record.

Hubby was teasing me that I always tell him that I need an hour to get ready when we go somewhere. Because as you know, I am most comfortable in my pajamas! :) Usually around the house it's sweatpants and a t-shirt.

Anyhow, on another subject Hubby leaves for his second guard drill Friday morning. They are flying out to Ft. Knox Kentucky to do some urban warfare combat training. Interestingly enough, he tested some prototype equipemnt for this at the FBI training academy in Quantico two years ago! He's guessing the materials they are going to supply will be "outdated" to him at least! LOL He's still looking forward to it though as he said this was the most fun thing for training that he had done in the Marines. What a goof. All he needs to be happy is a M-16 and a warm bed. :)

He was ironing his cammies a few nights ago and kept complaining that "they look all wrong! Well, yeah, they're not Marine Corps cammies. You should see the boxes upon boxes that they sent him for uniforms and issued equipment. It's all over the guest bedroom! He hates rip-stops (you military people will know what I mean) and refuses to wear them as they don't iron out as nice as regular cammies...the boots they sent him aren't the "right" ones, etc. etc. Mr. Picky, my God!

I was surprised though. One of my favorite smells is from when we first were married. He would starch his uniforms downstairs in our storage are and then bring them upstairs every Sunday night. He would use this lemon smelling starch to iron them with that we could get down at the PX and it would smell up our whole apartment. I miss that smell and he didn't use that stuff this time. I don't think he's going to be as picky about his Army uniform as he was about his Marines uniform...besides the fact that his first drill they were having an inspection and he came home horrified and in shock at how some of them kept their uniforms! LOL I know not all units are like that, but he was

I think this weekend will be good for him. He needs some Military Time. I know that he misses it, even if after five years the rank emblems don't have the crossed rifles under them they still have three stripes.

I know someone will be happy to come home on Sunday a revived Sgt. Hubby. :)

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