Baby Phat has no Customer Service - (2002-01-23, 8:19 a.m.)

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Okay, I'm upset with Baby Phat. Remember those jeans that I ordered. Twice? Yeah, the first pair didn't fit unless you were 6'3" and my weight and the second pair was most certainly NOT a size 13. So we sent both of them back.

They sent the first pair back and they returned them back to me. Their reasons? Dirty, worn, and not in resellable condition. Excuse me? I tried them on in the bedroom for about five minutes. If they were dirty the dirt happened before they sent them and I didn't notice or when I mailed them back and they just decided that they didn't want to take them back. Yeah, so $84 for jeans that I will never wear because someone got them dirty there.

So I called their "customer service" number. Nobody was there to take my call even though it was business hours and the recording stated that they're open. I'm supposed to send an email instead.

Am I wrong to be so angry about this? WTF? For $84 I really expected better customer service. I forwarded the email that I wrote to my Mom--she had bought them for me for Christmas and I told her for sure that I wasn't going to wear them because they were to tight.

I just don't need all this crap on top of everything else right now. I am PMSing bad for some reason this cycle too, and the last few days have been really bad. I mean I have PMDD and all that in the first place, but this last month has been just ridiculous.

I just don't honestly know how those stupid jeans could have gotten a mark on the back. I really don't.

I've been burned by The Gap Online too. I will never order from there again. The stuff that I got was all wrong and they didn't send me a reciept which of course I couldn't return the crap without. It was a major hassle to have someone email me a copy and then I had to take it into the store in The Mall From Hell to have a refund back to my credit card.

Am I the only one that has been burned time and time again shopping retail online??? The only company that I've had luck with is Old Navy but we have one here in town finally, so I just go there. I have just had it with online shopping.

Personally, I think if retailers want to be successful online there is a lot of room for improvement. I don't think I will shop retail online anymore as it ends up being more of a hassle than it's worth.

I'm still pissed.

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