Hereditary Gardening - (2002-01-22, 8:26 a.m.)

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You know, I honestly don't think that there are a lot of stupid questions, but I think I heard the stupidest one ever a few minutes ago.

I was on the phone with this caller who had general questions about the website. When he was getting ready to end the call he asked me "so I'll see you there, you're the stewardess, right?" Okay, first of all the whole term "stewardess" is very not politically correct. And yes, I am a one woman airline. I ticket your reservation, support the website, check you in at the ticket counter, move your baggage, load the baggage, secure the plane, give it the pre-flight check and even fly the darn thing. Amazing, aren't I? Freaking DUH okay? Some people. Think before you speak!

I think I've been lying to myself about not starting seeds. I had errands to do yesterday and Wal-Mart and they had this beautiful display of all different kinds of seed packets. :) Mmmm, seeds. Not to eat, but to grow. Mmmm...growing stuff. I don't know why that appeals to me so much.

Maybe it's hereditary. My Mom is a total gardening nut, as was her Mom and her maternal Grandma. Believe it or not, we actually have some "heirloom plants" at our house. My Great-Great Grandma had a Christmas Cactus that has been passed down for years. She got it when she immigrated from Sweden, and all of us have pieces of it. Tradition is that when you get married or go out on your own your Mom plants you a piece of the Christmas Cactus and over the years it will grow and you have a piece of Great Great Grandma in your house. Mine bloomed for the last two years. :) We also have a rubber tree that we do the same thing with, although the family hasn't had it that long. It belonged to my Grandma. What a weird bunch of women, right? LOL

So yes, I think gardening my be in my blood. It's unavoidable. :)

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