Naughty Dog and New Flowers - (2002-01-21, 8:26 a.m.)

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We had a very very bad dog yesterday. He decided to go counter surfing and ate all my freshly made apple cinnamon muffins. I am still pretty angry about it. I mean, they were apple cinnamon muffins, my favorite. And it was extra work because I only have a 6-muffin tin as opposed to the 12-muffin tin as most people. I don't get all that domestic often, and I most certainly don't bake...

So yes, I was looking forward to eating those muffins for the rest of the week for breakfast and snacks. Dumb dog.

I was ready to bake muffins and force feed them to him until he threw up. My parents did this with pancakes and their dog doesn't eat pancakes anymore.

I know it sounds gross, but I am just at the end of my rope with this dog. He ate a rosebush Saturday and tore up the garage. A ROSEBUSH! I guess the thorns just aren't enough of a deterrent.

Any suggestions? I will try anything. I swear.

On a happier note, I have been thinking about yesterdays entry, and maybe I should start seeds this year. I wasn't going to because it is an awful lot of work, but it was pretty fun too. Much cheaper than buying annuals!

If I do decide to go ahead with it, I would start petunias for sure, and I'm not sure what else. Some things you just throw in the ground and they will grow. I might have to get out my list of what we tried last year...what was successful and what failed miserably.

Impatiens are impossible. We tried everything and failed four separate times. Soilless mix, lots of water, no water, different seed varieties and nothing, not one seedling. Very frustrating.

Anyhow, I'm going to go look at garden websites. :) Yay for flowers!!!

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