Hubby and Spongebob - (2002-01-19, 1:13 p.m.)

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A strange phenomenon seems to be taking over my house. I think, contrary to what he actually says, Hubby actually enjoys Spongebob Squarepants.

This morning at 9 am I woke up to the lovely hahahahaha sound of Spongebob laughing. Who turned on the TV? Yep, it sure wasn't the kitties! He has put a Spongebob screen saver on his new notebook, and was actually laughing out loud at the TV this morning, to the point where he shook the bed!

We may have a new weekend ritual. Spongebob, 9 am, in bed. I'm cool with that, it sounds like fun! All this denial, how he used to tell me "that cartoon is so stupid, how can you watch it?" and other comments of the sort. Now HE's the one that has the Spongebob screen saver. Interesting things, men. :)

So yes, I believe I have a convert in the house. He's seen the light at the other end of the Krusty Krab. LOL Maybe he can relate because he's a cook too, just like Spongebob.

At any rate, I hope that this can convince him that he must tape the Spongebob-a-thon on Monday. I would love to be able to see that, but of course I have to work.

Anyhow, better get back to the lovely laundry and cleaning my house. Ugh, sometimes I don't really like weekends all that much!

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