Your name please? - (2002-01-18, 1:26 p.m.)

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I found the funniest website today. It's about the Japanese translations of English. My husband has a bunch of great examples from when he used to live over in favorite is Pepsi-Man. Apparently he is some kind of superhero over there! Anyhow, here it is! Go take a look, I was laughing out loud at my desk.

Well, with regards to yesterdays migraine, it's still holding on with it's greasy little fingers on the back of my neck. I really wanted to go out and do something tonight, but I just don't see it happening. Maybe I'll go to mall hell and cruise the sales. I have a gift certificate for Victoria's Secret! :) I know for sure that I'm not going tomorrow and face all the other droves of shoppers.

Why is it that when you ask a customer "your name please?" they insist on giving you the passenger's name? Duh...that's not what I asked for you freaking idiot!

Anyhow, we're getting super busy so I'll end this one here! Have a great weekend everyone! :)

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