Migraine - (2002-01-17, 2:10 p.m.)

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Hmmm, I don't know if I like the lack of profile bar at the bottom or not. I guess I'll get used to it, but I enjoy reading profiles and not everyone has a link to their profile on their main page. I suppose this will change in time, but who knows.

I have had one of the worst migraines that I can remember having. I'm still all doped up from my medication (Midrin) but I am feeling substantially better now than I did this morning and yesterday.

I knew that I was going to get one. I was having headaches at work yesterday and I've been having to wear my glasses for the past few days, something that I usually don't have to do unless I've been staring at the computer for 12 hours straight.

So this morning even taking a shower hurt. If I would have been able to find the soap without light, I would have shut the lights off! Even the water hitting the floor of the shower was to loud. With all the B.S. that's been going on, I guess I should have figured I had one coming. Haven't had one in 6 months!

My kitties have been keeping me company, although Homer farted and it smelled so badly I retreated. He does that sometimes. Farts worse that a person. :) He's a smelly little thing sometimes, but I sure do love him. He's a funny little cat.

Anyhow, I'm going to go glue myself to the couch because I bet it still smells in the bedroom. LOL

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