CD in the mail - (2002-01-16, 9:50 a.m.)

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I'm still rather crabby. I just can't help it. It turns out though that Hubby's aunt is one of the "VIPs" at the North Dakota DMV, and even though this Cheryl lady was from the MN DMV Hubby's aunt should still have some good ideas on what I can do to cause trouble for her. I won't say get her fired, because we all know that they don't do anything at the DMV anyhow, and when you've been there for years, I'm sure it's impossible to get them fired. It's a guv'mint jahb, you know?

I got a CD in the mail last night, yes I did. :) The label on it is so fantastic, and even though I haven't had a chance to listen to the whole thing, but I am so happy with what I have heard so far. It's fantastic, thanks!!

Because it's been kind of funny around here lately, I'm not going to write anymore crabby stuff today, and since I have nothing else to go into, I will end




here. ;)

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