Tech support? - (2002-01-14, 9:45 a.m.)

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Ho hum, another boring Monday at work. Noting really happening around here today. I wanted to work more on curriculum and manuals, but I don't see that happening soon.

This one guy just called me, what an idiot. There's a reason that we send out purchase confirmation emails, and he had double booked himself. Duh...anyhow he had instructed an agent to void out the wrong one. First of all, we don't usually void beyond 24 hours and this guy had purchased on Friday before he left work, and was just calling in today. Secondly, this was an EXCEPTION not the rule. I had to call a supervisor for a waiver and reissue the ticket. Needless to say a large pain in the butt for me, and I kind of lectured the guy on what NOT to do the next time. Ugh!!!

I can't wait until we are teaching more. That is going to be much more fun, and I'm really looking forward to this. I am just loosing patience with people that need to take a computer class rather than call me--yes I am tech support I will not teach you how to run your computer.

Anyhow, this is making me cranky so I will stop.

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