Grocery Sunday - (2002-01-13, 6:15 p.m.)

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My cat cracks me up. This morning he came tromping into the office dragging his bear behind him. When he saw that I was in here, he dropped his bear and then wanted me to hold him. What a weenie. Sometimes he takes his bear to bed with him in our bed...sometimes he puts bear in the cat bed. It's like he thinks this teddy bear is another kitty! LOL It always makes my day to see him dragging his stuffed bear around.

We went to the grocery store today. Did I ever mention how much I hate grocery shopping? I think it comes from when I graduated college and didn't have any money for food, it was torture. Then after I got married we would go to the commissary and be snotted to by the Officer's Wives. Ugh...we would drive 25 miles north to go to the Army base's comissary rather than put up with all the bullshit. Sometimes the officers/wives would cut in front of enlisted families. "I need to be somewhere, so I'm going ahead of you." Um, no. I always said no. Well, sometimes a little more than that, but I'm not going to spell it out for you, you know what I mean.

Anyhow, yeah. The grocery store. Where people have to walk down the middle of the aisle and grab from either side and make sure that nobody can get by you on either side to pass. God knows they might have somewhere to be!

The parking lot is another story. People that can't park between those handy yellow lines that they put there specifically so that people will know where to park, looking before you back out and yielding to pedestrians? Not today! Yuck.

I'm going to go make supper since we actually have food in the house now. That's the only good thing about going to the grocery store--the results! :)

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