More to the story - (2002-01-10, 11:21 a.m.)

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I stayed home today. Couldn't sleep last night at all, and when I did it was just little spurts. Felt the need to snuggle up next to Hubby (something I haven't done since we were newlyweds) and we both spent the morning in bed until about 10 am. He slept, I laid there and snuggled him and hugged kitties.

Yes, there's been a lot of kitty hugging going on around here over the past few days. Lots of Mom-Dad and Husband hugging too. I just feel so helpless still, but the whole hugging thing brings me comfort. Thanks to all of you that have left such kind words in my guestbook and virtual hugs. Those help too.

My boss has been super-duper-fantastic about me being gone. She asked me this morning when I called her to say I wasn't going to be in in I was okay. She's just the most caring person, and really cares about all of us individually. It sounds strange, a boss that does this, but we are her second family. She treats us as such, with love and respect. Funny to think that this works in our workplace as well as it does!

My family has only become closer since Hubby and I moved back here from Virginia/DC. This whole thing is ripping my heart out. But this too shall pass. Wasn't there some quote about "'tis better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all." Yeah, that's where I'm at right now. But it still hurts.

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