The Funeral - (2002-01-09, 3:34 p.m.)

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Well, that was thoroughly depressing. Poor Kathy M. I don't like funerals, but the circumstances of this one were just to hard for me to deal with.

I think because she was my parents' age that they are having trouble facing their own mortality right now. My Mom was holding my hand and crying throughout most of the service, and my Dad mashed himself up against me at the luncheon afterwards.

The thing is, I just don't know how I would handle life without Hubby. We've only been married for three years, I just can't imagine the way Kathy M's husband is dealing with all of this. They didn't even know about her cancer until 9 months ago! Mammograms didn't catch it or anything. By the time it was all over and done with it was to late.

I talked to my Mom a little about how she was dealing with this stuff and she said that her and Dad had been talking about what life would be like without the other. Okay, that upsets me more than just a little bit. I can't imagine what it would be like without one of my parents (not to mention both) but what would the other parent that is left feel like?

This is just too big of a topic for me to tackle right now. I'm going to have to think about it.

Sorry if I'm not around d-land that much over the next few days. I'm kind of messed up in the head right now and just don't feel like socializing. That doesn't mean that I don't love you though, okay? :)

Thanks to those of you that left kind words in my guestbook. It helps, really it does.

I'm going to go cuddle a kitty. That usually helps when I'm upset. How can you not laugh at a chubby kitty that grunts? Right. You can't!

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