Good/Bad stuff - (2002-01-08, 5:21 p.m.)

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Sorry no update yesterday...we've been so incredibly busy at work. Good news and bad news for this entry.

Bad news first. An old family friend died on Sunday. She was the type of person that made her own cards and baked cookies for her family and stuff. She had breast cancer and they performed a mastectomy about a year and a half ago. They informed her then that it had spread to her lymph nodes.

About three weeks ago my Mom and Dad saw her at the Christmas party and said that she looked great. A few days later she was diagnosed with liver cancer and by the end of the week she was in the hospital all doped up.

Why? I just don't understand. She was a good person, but then again good people are taken from the world every day. Kathy was her name, and I hope that she has found a world free of pain and peace in the afterlife.

In good news the training position is going well. My manual for my account was approved and my Account Manager was very impressed with it. :) Too bad this whole deal doesn't come with a raise...but it does come with a better chance of promotion/raise later on. My company just can't afford it right now.

Other good news. Our website has had record hits over the past few days. YAY! That means big bonuses when they reinstate the bonus program. That's very cool as I have that new car to pay for and all. LOL

Ladies World Domination and Reading Society has started their discussion today. I wish that I could have had access to my email as some of my information was a little out of date. Oh well, I know that I'm not the only busy one in the group! It was a great book though in my opinion and I can't wait to dig into another! I already have mine picked out for when I get to choose. I'm so happy that I joined that club!

We have to go to Obedience School tonight. Well, it's for the dog, Hubby minds fine...anyhow that's going to eat up my entire night so that I may not have a chance to read everyone. :( I have tomorrow off for the funeral though. I figured if my co-worker can take the entire day off to bring her grandmother to the clinic, I can at least manage a day for a family friend's funeral. Even though I wish that she hadn't died.

The whole situation just tears me up inside. She was only in her 50s, never smoked, rarely drank, lived a healthy life. I just don't get it. She was the same age as my parents and that just scares the life right out of me. I don't know what either one of them would do without the other, not to mention what I would do without them!

Time to end this entry, I'm getting upset again. It's just to much for me to comprehend right now. I'm still in shock I think.

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