More car stuff - (2002-01-06, 9:33 a.m.)

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I got googled last night for "Homemade tree skirts" and "google search." Who's the genius that went to google and searched for "google search?" Ugh, probably the same ridiculous person that calls me at work because they can't navigate using a browser. Oh well, they'll be paying my car payment soon!

We figured it all out. Between the two cars that we're trading in, we're paying $176 for one and $167 for the other. The new Grand Am is going to be about $250/month. So we're saving money monthly and I'm getting a super-nice car with much lower mileage! :)

To be honest (like I'm ever not, but you know what I mean) I've been wanting a newer car. Materialistic yes, but I had such a piece of crap when I was in high school and for the amount of driving that I do...I've considered my big-12"-sub-amplified-fancy-CD-deck car stereo one of my best investments! Cause I like stuff like that! ;)

Besides, we've been trying to sell Hubby's Malibu since, well...since before we left Quantico. So that's a year and a half. It wasn't selling. One of the problems is that there are so many of those for sale locally. One lot that we went to visit had twelve of them!

Anyhow, I'm going to go driving this afternoon. There's a road out here that's notorious in the area. It's always deserted and they just resurfaced it about five years ago. Smooth as glass and straight as can be. It's very flat here (think pancake, no joke) so I'm going to see what this new car will do.

Don't worry, I'll wear my seatbelt. :) I think I might be able to blame the speed thing on my genes though. My Dad builds cars for fun, and one of them can pull low :12 in the quarter mile. I'm Daddy's girl!

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