New Car! - (2002-01-05, 6:44 p.m.)

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I found a new car! Well, not new...but slightly used. It's a 99 white Grand Am and they will pay off both of our cars. If we decide to keep it, our car payments should only be around $200 a month. They only want $8995, and Kelly Blue Book value is $12,100. I'm okay with that, as they said that they had the car for a few months but were expecting new inventory and needed to move some vehicles. Yay for moving vehicles! :)

I looked at Jettas but unfortunately they are well out of our price range.

So that's what we did all day. Cruised dealerships looking for cars. Fortunately it was a nice-ish day outside, maybe in the lower 30s with a slight wind. It's snowing now however, and I'm going to go put on my cozy sweat pants and t-shirt and play on the computer for the rest of the evening.

Oh yes, and I have to do a plug here. Best Buy is ridiculous. The new autostart that Hubby got me for my birthday? They want $30 less than what it cost new to re-install it in our new car. Can you say F#$^ no? Ugh, we'll just bring our business elsewhere as they were overpriced to begin with.

Not that Hubby actually paid for the autostart. His old Boss did! Coin jams and stuff weren't counted so they were never turned in! Serves that dickhead right though. :)

Anyhow, I'm going to go change and start playing around again!

G'night! *mwah*

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