Promotion making me crazy! - (2002-01-04, 10:05 a.m.)

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Did I mention that I got a promotion? Yeah. I did, I'm a part time trainer now, or as my company calls it "Assistant Learning Specialist." Yay for me.

Anyhow, this means that I now have twice the work to do because we're getting a brand new training class in and nobody has ever done training on my account before. Aaacckk! Myself and another agent are trying like crazy to get a class schedule and a manual together. Lost cause at this point because we've been so freaking busy at work that they put me on the phones again today. And I'm going to get this extra work done when???

So I'm a little frustrated today. I need to get all this stuff done and I'm on the phone. It's almost pointless to try to get the training stuff done when I'm involved on the phone so it's like this giant Catch-22.

I'm going to have to change my hours at work around a bit as well, working some nights/weekends but that is my choice. Since this is going to be the first class I need to be involved as much as possible. Unfortunately it's a night class so I'm going to be working half days and half nights and probably Sundays as well.

Like I don't have enough stress in my life!!!

Anyhow, that's what has been going on around here. I truly apologize that I haven't been around d-land as much as I used to be lately, that's just because work has been insane! Still love me?

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