Amazing Husband - (2002-01-03, 9:38 a.m.)

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My husband amazes me. He really does. Last night I arrived home to clean bathrooms and vaccuumed floors. He said that he didn't have time to dust but that he was going to do that today. WOW!

He brought over all the Christmas storage boxes and we de-Christmased the house last night. Well, I have more Christmas stuff than I thought so it took a while.

This morning as I was blow-drying my hair, I kept thinking that I smelled bacon. "Bacon? No way, I'm imagining things." Well I wasn't. Hubby made bacon and pancakes for breakfast and brought me a plate with a big old stack on it into the bathroom just as I was finishing getting ready to to. He's unbelievable! I was joking with him that he really must want that new notebook for college! LOL

We do need a notebook computer for him though. We've been really happy with our Gateway desktop, so we may go through them for a notebook. Any suggestions? Put 'em here! He would really like to have a DVD drive too so that we can watch movies when we're in the car. I guess he thinks we spend to much time in the car or something...

Lastly, I have to apologize to Psandi for my slip of the tongue, er, fingers in yesterdays entry. Sorry Sans, you know what I meant but it just didn't come out right! Still love me?

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