New Car? - (2002-01-02, 8:12 a.m.)

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Wow am I tired this morning. Drank a little to much cherry wine last night at the party.

A friend of ours makes homemade wine. My Dad does too, but our friends wine is potent stuff. I had 1 1/2 glasses and I was done you know? I did feel pleasantly light headed, and for someone that doesn't drink all that much it was pretty fun!

Oh, and Jen is back!!! Remember when you were asking me about the Sims? Go check it out. :) Missed you terribly!

Anyhow, Hubby and I are looking at getting a new car for me. Trading in his older car that we still haven't sold and my current car. We're going to go shopping on Saturday and I am so incredibly excited! I mean, my car that I have now is nice, I really like it...but a car with under 60,000 miles? I've never had one and I just think it would be luxurious.

He said that he found a 99 Grand Am for $11,000 and between the value of our two cars we should be able to cover that. It's silver too, my favorite! I feel like a little kid in a candy store just thinking about it, and I'm sure it's going to get worse when we actually start looking around at car lots.

The only thing that I'm concerned about is around here car salesmen have been known to try to take advantage of women. Heck, they take advantage of men too, and unfortunately Hubby's barganing skills could use a little work. Maybe I'm just cheap too, I don't know.

Anyhow, there are some car dealerships that we will not be going to. Namely Tim Corwin and Gateway Chevrolet. I've shopped for cars around here before, and honestly I don't like being talked down to. For God's sake, I helped restore my own 66 Mustang, thanks. I'm not a freaking idiot when it comes to cars. Don't tell me that the blinker fluid never runs out because I'll call you on it! :)

I had better get back to work, I just got off the phone with the most retarded lady that wouldn't let me finish a sentance and wasn't wanting to listen to what she needed to do. Word of advice. If you call customer service for information, freaking listen to them. They know what they're talking about!!! You called them for information anyway, didn't you??? AAck!

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