New Years Day - (2002-01-01, 8:54 a.m.)

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Coming to work this morning was almost surreal. There were no cars on the interstate and our parking lot was almost empty. The snow was falling lightly, and I just really didn't want to get up out of bed this morning. Ugh...

We went out just for a little bit last night to celebrate. One of our friends that came with is in the Peace Corps in Senegal, and is home for the first time in two years...needless to say, he's instant entertainment--just add alcohol. I laughed until my stomach muscles were sore last night, and really enjoyed myself. :)

Today after work my Mom and Dad are having a New Years Day party. Turkey, steak and all the other yummy stuff that comes with the holidays. I'm going to be sleepy, but I will probably take a nap sometime today between eating and working.

They're catering our office today too! We've already got a meat/cheese tray with chips and crackers, but they are ordering out fancier stuff for us for lunch. That is so great, I wasn't looking forward to getting in my car this afternoon to go get a rushed lunch because I didn't have a chance to make lunch for myself last night. To busy!

Hubby made me the matching end table (to the coffee table he made for Christmas) for me to celebrate our anniversary. It's beautiful and really adds a lot to our living room.

We're super duper slow at work today, which is a good thing. Our supervisor called in sick, so I'm supervisor today. Yay! Not that she's sick, but that I'm supervisor. You know what I mean. We only have seven agents here today when usually we have 14. Hopefully it continues to be slow so that we can relax and just talk. We don't get to do much of that anymore.

Anyhow, I wanted to wish everyone a happy new year! Hope that 2002 is much better than 2001. :)

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