Monday Morning Stuff - (2001-12-31, 8:39 a.m.)

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Happy anniversary to me, happy anniversary to me, happy anniversary dear Katress, happy anniversary to me!

Three years, where did the time go?

Unfortunately I have to work both today and there's not going to be much celebrating tonight without a good long nap when I get home from work! :) Tomorrow Mom and Dad are having a new years party as well, fried turkey and all the trimmings. Mmmm, it's going to be good to see all our family friends as well! Sometimes the time passes to much between visits, you know?

Oh, and sorry for updating so late yesterday. Someone got their undies in a bundle about it! LOL Seriously, it's nice to know that I am missed.

Speaking of missing, I can't believe THIS. Just not good at all, and it makes me upset. I will miss her if she decides not to come back and break all contact--even with the Ladies World Domination and Book Club.

That's just to much to deal with on a Monday morning, especially when I am so freaking tired. Uck.

In Xena news, it sounds like she lashed out finally at Holly's kitty Chester who has been keeping her under the bed! Yay for Xena! She used to be such a tough little cookie, and she can show chubby Chester that she's not going to take it anymore. :) I'm proud of her.

Until next time...

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Hospital Stay for Dad
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