Marines at War - (2001-12-17, 7:59 a.m.)

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Today upon arriving to work I read the most awful thing in my email.


-- Unknown number of U.S. marine casualties after explosion at Kandahar airport in Afghanistan, CNN reports. More soon.

Watch CNN or log on to /AOL Keyword: CNN for the latest news."

That just doesn't make my day.

It scares the heck out of me to know how close Hubby came to going over there. I mean, he would have gone willingly, but that doesn't help me who would be left at home.

If he would have reinlisted we're about 100% sure that he would have been sent to Camp LeJeune, NC. That's the main base that was deployed to support the war effort.

Hubby's being a cryptotech, they definitely would have needed him. Communications is one of the first things that an offensive force tries to take out.

One of the first days of the war effort there was a picture on the front page of our local newspaper. It was all the Marines standing in their "deltas" on the edge of the aircraft carrier that was departing. I just stared and stared at it. It almost broke my heart.

Maybe I'm having such a bad day because I'm PMSing. This certainly didn't help this morning though. *sigh*

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