Trainer interview - (2001-12-17, 1:33 p.m.)

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I need to redo my pulldown menu. I have too much stuff on there. It's all because I found some new review sites and added them in there. :) I may have to separate them out. Also found some new interesting html help sites.

Denise got her package today. That was quick! She is very happy with all the things that I made for her and her family. I sent a couple of jars of potpourri, a classic Pooh Christmas ornament and a Tigger blanket that I hand made for her daughter. I guess Brianna just loves it, Denise said that she's been carrying it around today. That makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I'm her honorary auntie, you know. :)

I have my Trainer interview this afternoon at three. One of the other candidates made a power point show. *gulp* I just have handouts and really good experience. My Account Manager already recommended me for the position since I am responsible for it anyway...but powerpoint? How can I top that?

There was something else that I was going to add, but I can't remember. Oh well. Maybe later. :)

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