Christmas cards done! - (2001-12-13, 8:52 a.m.)

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Aack! Our website is having errors at work! This is just not a good start to the day. We had a meeting this morning office wide about when they are going to be giving us our pay cut back and why they have postponed the bonuses that we were hopefully going to start to recieve again in January. They are "redoing" the whole incentive program and we are going to be getting this measly bonus which amounts to about 1/10 of what I was getting before. I am just not all that okay with the whole situation and very frustrated.

Plus the fact that Hubby is so disgusted with his boss that he actually spit on his bosses' chair after work hours! He said that he wanted to pee on it but he was kind of worried that his boss would smell it. My Husband, the rebel. I guess I don't blame him, his boss is an alcoholic jerk. Very dysfunctional to say the least.

One of my co-workers is working at a psychiatric hospital in town. They apparently are very flexible with shifts, and perhaps this would be a good option for me to work on the weekends or even part time at night. She said that they pay pretty well and that I would probably get the job for sure being I have a BA in Psych. I will have to explore that a little further. I just want Hubby to be able to concentrate on school and not have to worry about working! Student loans aren't going to cover it either, although the Army National Guard is going to help out quite a bit.

Oh yes, another thing. I mailed all my Christmas cards this morning!!! Now another thing that I don't have to worry about. Next on my list is finishing up all my homemade potpourri-hopefully tonight-and wrapping that all up and sending the boxes to our friends all around the US. Unfortunately I think they will be late, but better late than never, right? If I wouldn't have been feeling so icky over the last week maybe I would have had the opportunity to send all this stuff out, but I just can't dwell on it anymore it only frustrates me.

At any rate, I should get back to work. Maybe this afternoon I will have a chance to update if I don't hit the couch immediately when I get home!

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