Ramblings - (2001-12-13, 3:34 p.m.)

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After work today I am going to get Hubby's big present! Hopefully I can get them wrapped before I get home. I would tell you what they are, but I know that he reads this on occasion and I don't want to spill the beans!

I also have entirely to much to do tonight. I need to finish that potpourri (wasn't I just talking about that in my last entry???) and finish wrapping gifts, burn some cds that I plan on sending out as gifts and if I have time, I would love to do my nails. I do my own, it's my little vanity. :) God knows typing all day on the computer isn't very helpful unless they are acrylic! Otherwise they just disintigrate.

Boy did I get off track there. I do that sometimes though.

Mara had the cutest entry today. Mystikal is one of Hubby's favorites, go check it out. I literally laughed out loud at work. Good thing I wasn't on the phone at the time. :)

Not to much else to talk about, and when I ramble I get boring. So I will let you go and spare you the bordom.

Maybe tomorrow I can officially be a Christmas diva and have all my presents wrapped and in the mail. Yeah, right.

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