Snoop Doggy Dogg - (2001-12-11, 9:44 a.m.)

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I keep forgetting to write about the Snoop Dogg concert that we went to a week ago! I'm sorry. I know that I've had requests for more info, I have just had to much on my mind! Sorry about that.

Overall, I would say that it was an alright concert. It was awfully short though! They had a DJ for the beginning rather than just playing music, and he was fantastic! It was fun listening to him as he was totally in to what he was doing and his love for the music showed in his mixes.

There was also a local rapper. If you knew where I lived, you would find this extremely funny! It's about the whitest place that I have ever been. No racist/prejudice intended of course, but most of our ancestors around here are blonde, blue-eyed Scandinavians or German. I do miss the multi-culturalism of the DC area, I have to admit.

Anyhow, he was pretty good. I do admit that I would rather watch/listen to someone that I knew the music to rather than to just experience it in a live concert, but I have to give the guy credit as he did a good job.

Now, on to Snoop himself. He was dressed up to the nines, black pants, a white blazer and gangster hat and gold and sparkly sunglasses. He put on a great show, however it was very short. It was almost kind of a let down. We paid so much for these freaking tickets and he was only on stage for under an hour! I do have to say though, he did many different songs, some that he had written and some that were done originally by No Limit (C-Murders down for my n's for example) and it was fun to watch Hubby get his groove on to all that stuff. He's pretty old school. :)

All in all, it would have been a much better experience if he would have done more than the first verse to each of his songs.

It was entertaining though to watch the crowd. I get such a kick out of these teeny-boppers running around thinking they're all "g" and tough when in reality if you dropped them off in SouthEast DC they would pass out from fright!

So that was our experience at Snoop Dogg's Puff Puff Pass tour. There was plenty of that too. The whole experience just made me feel old. Oh well.

Until later, my dahlings!

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