Bye, Xena. I'll miss you! - (2001-12-08, 2:07 p.m.)

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I got to meet Holly today. Her son Warren and she came over to meet Xena. Xena couldn't have been a better kitty, and she took to Holly right away. Snuggled on her lap and purred immediately.

I hope that this works out. I hope that Xena is happy at Holly's house, and that she gets along with Chester and Chloe, Holly's kitties.

I just can't get over how much Xena liked Holly! This makes me feel so much better about having to give her away. Holly promised that she would let me come over and visit too. So not only does Xena get a new, happier home, but I get a new friend too!

Holly is totally a sweetheart. I was pretty nervous about meeting someone that I had just talked to online and just once on the phone, but I shouldn't have been worried at all. She's wonderful. I think we got along great! That, and you can see that she loves animals too, which in these circumstances makes me so much more comfortable.

So I kissed Xena good-bye and promised that I would come and see her soon. It was breaking my heart watching Simon and Hercules pick on her so much that she wouldn't come out from under the couch. Poor thing.

My girlfriend and I are going shopping for Christmas presents this afternoon. I don't get to see her all that much anymore because she works the graveyard shift, so I am looking forward to this. We used to spend a lot of time together, but since we've both gotten married and work schedules conflict so much we don't get to see each other as often as we would like.

Anyhow, I suppose I should go get my Christmas list and start getting ready to shop!


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