Xena go byebye? - (2001-12-07, 10:21 p.m.)

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Oh my...I don't even know what to say about this one, except for that it was totally funny taking the test. Go try it. :)

I am starting to feel a bit better. My golf balls in my throat are now about the size or marbles. I know my body, and if I don't nip a virus/infection right away with rest, fluids etc. then I will pay, and pay, and pay for it for about a week.

In other news, I am looking forward to meeting Holly tomorrow afternoon. She sounded like such a sweetie on the phone, and it seems as though we have quite a bit in common. Our workplaces are similar, that's for sure! Only I do airline support and she does software support.

I hope that she likes Xena. Hercules tried to beat the crap out of her again tonight, and I just feel horrible for her. Hopefully she will get along with Chester and Chloe, Holly's cats much better than she does with Simon and Hercules.

I just don't understand it, all of a sudden she was acting very timid and they started beating on her, chasing her, scaring the life out of her. She can't continue to live her life under the couch all day, I feel bad for my little girl-cat. Hopefully this will all work out and Holly will let me have "kitty visitation." :)

Off to bed now, it's late and I'm tired. Even though I didn't really get up until 2 PM. Oh well, that happens when your body is healing.

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