Hubby's Boss - (2001-12-07, 4:07 p.m.)

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I am 21-40% Ghetto

I WISH I was ghetto. I need to take them gold plated teeth and get some REAL gold teeth..

This is cute! How funny...

Well, at least now I know that I won't get sick at Christmas time. Guess where I am today? Yes, that's right. At home. I swallowed some rather painful golf balls last night apparently, and they are lodged in my throat and making me hack and sneeze. Not a whole lot of fun. The cold/flu bug is going around like wildfire at work, three of my good friends have been out this week sick. So I guess it was my turn! Oh well, it gives me an excuse to still not clean the house. Even Hubby isn't feeling very well, and it seems like he never gets sick.

I always get sick over Christmas, but maybe not this year. Hopefully I'll have it out of my system by then.

You know how I've talked about Hubby's boss being such an idiot? Well apparently this year spouses are not allowed at their Christmas party tonight. Not because he doesn't want to pay for them (although that may be part of it, the cheapskate) but because he needed to have an excuse not to bring his wife. He really hates his wife, and everyone in the office thinks he's sleeping with one of the women that works there.

The thing about this that amazes me is that he is truely gross in the alcoholic-stinky-rednosed-horrible human being type of gross. Ugh, I can hardly even look at him. He just causes so many problems and it's no wonder that his company is over three million in debt. He has no managerial skills whatsoever. I wish Hubby would just quit, but he can't. He makes to much money there he says.

Anyhow, he's not going to this Christmas party tonight. I wonder what kind of ruckus this is going to cause? Hopefully he won't get in trouble, although with his boss, who knows. He's so unpredictabe.

Did I mention that when Hubby started college and began working there part time that he yelled at him "Who gave you permission to go to school?" Yeah, that's the kind of person that he is.

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