Hubby's Car - (2001-12-06, 6:33 p.m.)

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Nothing new or interesting has been happening lately, except for the training that I am doing at work appears to be almost done. I actually trained my former trainer (from my old account) since he has come back from our layoffs. He said that I've done a great job, which makes me feel great as he taught me the first stuff that I ever learned at my job. And for what I am paid, my job is pretty complicated. Oh well, hopefully they will give us our 10% in wages back that they cut in September and bonuses back. My bonus was half of what I used to make, for God's sake!

Everyone else has been doing it, so I figured I had better too...

Strawberry: 60/100 Pear: 0/100 Banana: 40/100 Tomato: 10/100 Lemon: 0/100

Take the What Fruit Are You? test by webkin and aaronr!

Awww, how cute! I would rather be a cherry though, I'm more partial to them. Oh well. That wasn't really a choice, was it?

If I were a work of art, I would be Vincent Van Gogh's The Starry Night.

I am a tiny village at peace while overhead rages the tumult of the heavens. Objects whirl and flash around me in a fevered haze only partially reflected in reality while I remain grounded and secure in my isolation.

Which work of art would you be? The Art Test

Now this I am happy about. Definitely one of my favorite paintings.

I have to go get Hubby and grab his car. Basically we had to get a new front end put in. Don't ask, I just don't want to talk about it, but even with a warranty we are still paying more for the freaking thing than we are for the car payments!!! This is not a good sign, and we've only had the car for about two months. Oh well, we'll just have to see what happens. At least we know now nothing else can go wrong with the front end, it's totally brand new!

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