Didn't get it - (2001-12-03, 8:20 p.m.)

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Today has been one of those days. I'll start with the bad first.

We are having serious internet problems. Freaking starband, I swear it's more trouble than it's worth. Up and down, but mostly down. Oh to have a cable modem like a normal person that lives in town. What I wouldn't give.

Yeah, and that job at the Very Large Company? Rejected. Got a rejection email today and I don't even have the guts to call my friend that's a manager there and tell him yet. I'll email him tomorrow. I just don't have the heart to tonight. Too upset about it. I feel like I'm letting my whole family down by getting shot down at that job. We needed the money so badly, and I can't afford to send my husband to college on the measly wage that I make right now. I wish that Hubby didn't have to work, he deserves the chance to just go to college. He's making almost straight A's and I owe him that. I wish that I didn't have to worry about money. Here I sit, crying at the keyboard. I can't remember feeling this horrible about myself in a long time.

Okay, enough with feeling sorry for myself. But I think I'm allowed a little, aren't I???

J2, I got your CD in the mail today. The one that is supposed to make me happy? It's wonderful. Thank you so very much. I truely needed it today. It couldn't have come at a better time. You're fantastic!

One of the things that makes me happy in my life now, strange as it seems, is d-land. I have met and corresponded with so many fantastic people. Blaise who was kind enough to design a template for my html-challenged self. I'm learning and Miranda,Blaise and so many others have been there to lend a hand and answer questions for me. Jenn and Kiki were kind enough to invite the DC metro area over to their house for Thanksgiving. Probably some people that they have never met before! Just on d-land. Holly is going to come over on Saturday and see if she thinks Xena would fit into her household with Chester and Chloe. Amy makes me laugh every day in her entries. We leave each other notes all the time. The ladies of my book club, they are indescribable. And yes, I mean that in a good way. I may not have met these people in person, but my God, that kind of stuff is true friendship. I bet J2 never imagined that when he burned that CD for me that it was going to improve my day so much today, as it will tomorrow and the next day.

My family and friends love me. So why am I still so upset???

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