Grocery Shopping - (2001-12-02, 2:50 p.m.)

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This morning we went to the grocery store. Have I ever mentioned that I hate the grocery store? It brings me back to when Hubby and I were first married and did all our shopping at the Quantico Commissary.

Nothing against Commissarys in general, but the Quantico one was horrible. Of course it was an officer's training base and most of the officer's wives were snotty and would ram you with their cart if given the opportunity. It was crowded, noisy and full of families who weren't able to control their children. Now I have nothing against an occasional temper tantrum, I understand that it happens. It will happen to me when I have kids. But when all your kids are screaming and they are hitting other customers and pulling shit off the shelves, it's time to go home and try grocery shopping another day.

About Xena, I just don't know what to do. We've kind of talked about making her a shop cat, the shop is heated nice and cozy and there's someone out there every night, but I still think she would be lonesome. But what if we got rid of Simon? He's bully. I don't think that he would try that stuff with cats that were larger than he or established in a household. Ugh, I just don't know. Thanks though to those of you that have offered. I may be taking you up on it.

Off to work on my Christmas tree skirts.

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