Snoop Doggy Dogg - (2001-12-04, 4:44 p.m.)

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Today is a better day. Still pretty freaking crabby, and if you read this on a regular basis you know that is not normal for me.

There has been a new position opened up at work, basically the title for what I'm doing already. Part time trainer. Yep, doing it right now today at work. Well, not RIGHT now but today at work. You know what I mean. The only crappy part about it is that there is no raise. Just a title change and different responsibilities. But if I have to continue to instruct our more ignorant customers on how to use their computers I'm going to lose it! There's only so much of that you can take, you know?

Thanks to each and every one of you that left me a note of encouragement. I appreciate it so much, I started crying again when I read my guestbook today. (((hugs))) I really needed it.

But anyway, life goes on. I was reviewed, and got a 100! I guess they've never given out a 100 before. Go check it out! That basically means that I owe much debt to Blaise for making this beautiful template for me! Forgive me if I need validation lately. I know I'm not the only one. :)

Hubby and I are going to Snoop Doggy Dogg's concert tonight. Should be an interesting experience. Hubby is so into that stuff. I like everything, but got overdosed on Country when I was in college. I think I will like watching the people as much as I will like watching the show! Honestly I'm not all that excited to go, I would much rather just stay home and sulk, but we paid entirely to much for those tickets, so I'd better get my butt in gear.

But I would still rather stay home.

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