Would you like a kitty? - (2001-12-01, 5:08 p.m.)

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It sounds like Hubby's first day in the Army National Guard went well. Apparently they are going to Ft. Knox, Kentucky next month for drill. Flying them all out of our local airport down to Kentucky for the weekend, that just seems a little crazy to me.

He's going to be in charge of a squad. He said that the other soldiers seemed to regard him almost in awe..."you're a Marine? Why did you get out?" He told them because he got married. LOL Yep, getting married will do that stuff to you. :)

I started wrapping Christmas presents today so that I would have something to put under our tree rather than just the boxes of candy canes that we always have to buy that nobody eats. I personally don't care for peppermint, but cherry candy canes, that's another story all together! I love me some cherry candy canes.

When I was doing all of this Simon cornered poor little Xena in the bathroom and beat the crap out of her. Poor Xena, he just won't stop bullying her around. I think I might have to get rid of her because she just gets picked on so much. Anyone want a beautiful calico kitty? She just needs to be in a home where she's the only kitty or the Alpha kitty. I love her very much but she's so unhappy. My neighbors want a housecat, maybe they will take her? I can still have "visitation" then. I'll miss her, she's my snuggler in the computer room when I'm online. God, I hate decisions like this. I want to be selfish, but I want what is best for her too.

This is going to require some thought.

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