Busy today - (2001-11-30, 5:02 p.m.)

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Sorry this is going to be so short, we are so extremely busy at work. There's like 3 calls on hold for every agent that is here. It's been miserable today, just absolutely miserable. And I'm here for another hour and a half.

Everyone is so freaking crabby today, it's just been a long day. I get so tired of people that don't know how to use a computer call and tell me how much our website sucks and how our customer service sucks I could just scream.

Hubby took his oath for the Army National Guard today. I wonder how it went. I wish that I could have been there, but it would have been impossible for me to get away from here. Tif I hope that he likes it as much as your husband seems to. I think he was kind of nervous but is to "manly" to admit it. His first drill is this weekend...actually tomorrow I guess. I'll be home by myself all weekend. That might give me time to work on my Christmas list though. :) Already getting suggestions in my guestbook, and that's fantastic! More loot to ask for!!!

At any rate, I had better go. I wish that I had more time but our computer is still not networking correctly. I have to go over to my parents to use thier computer. At least they don't mind.

Oh yes, I almost forgot. I got a hit from some Spanish website. What the hell is that all about? I couldn't even read it!

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