Making presents - (2001-11-29, 7:03 p.m.)

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I am so incredibly tired tonight. I think I'm still recovering from being up so late to get Mom and Dad from the airport on Tuesday night. But I don't have to work until 10 AM tomorrow, so I'll get to sleep in. I love sleeping in, there's nothing else on the weekend that I enjoy more. Of course my weekends are full of fun stuff like laundry and cleaning the house. Icky stuff like that, but I still enjoy the weekend.

This will be Hubby's first weekend in the MN Army National Guard. One of his old high school friends is swearing him in tomorrow for a six year commitment. I wish that I could be there, but of course I can't. I feel like I'm chained to my desk some days. He's kind of nervous I think, but he'll never admit it.

In some ways I think the "soldiers" will benefit from having a Marine lead them. Hubby gets to keep his rank, and he's a Non-Commissioned officer (E-5). He's one of the leaders, especially in an infantry platoon. I hope that he likes it.

I had better get going on those Christmas tree skirts that I am making for Christmas presents. My Mom is going to help me with the first one and then I'll do the rest myself. I miss sewing, it's nice to finally have a little time to do some of that stuff again.

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