Who from NDSU? - (2001-11-28, 7:49 p.m.)

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Someone from the local University (NDSU) is reading my diary. I wonder if it's my husband??? I don't know that he would admit to reading it, but who else??? Sign my guestbook up there, show yourself! :)

And by the way, I would love to send some of this snow over to Germany or wherever else someone would like some. We've gotten about two feet in the last three days, and that's an awful lot.

I haven't even made it home yet, I've been over at my parent's house talking to my Mom about thier vacation to New Mexico for Thanksgiving. They went to visit my uncle and throw him a surprise birthday party and I was out of vacation time so I couldn't go. Ugh, I wish that I had more vacation time. Of course, working every single holdiay isn't all that great either. In fact it really sucks. Ugh.

Hubby should be home any time. He had a late test tonight in his math class, and I hope that he does well. He's doing so fantastic in college, I'm so proud of him. All A's and just one or two Bs.

Just because I don't really have anything else to say I thought I would share some pictures from this spring. Hercules got kind of messy.

Yeah, just imagine what my white kitchen floor looked like! Daily moppings didn't make a difference!!!

Yuck. That's my kitty!

You may now return to your previously scheduled programming. Good night!

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