I am rabies! - (2001-11-26, 10:10 a.m.)

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I am rabies. Too bad my customers don't know that!

Of course, I'm at work.

I wore my cozy pants today. Mom got them for my birthday and I didn't feel like wearing jeans today.

Why is it that the new "style" for jeans is all that rough fabric? I have a pair of jeans that I bought a year ago and they are soft as flannel. That's much more comfortable. What happened, designers? People getting to comfy? Ugh, I hate the new style of jeans out there, and finding jeans that fit is just about a nightmare!

Amy has said that Levi's superlow jeans are the best, but I don't know, the superlow jeans that I have tried on just weren't comfortable. I felt like if I bent over I would have plumber's butt.

Anyway, back to work! Why do I sound enthusiastic about that? I don't know.

Oh yes, also Blaise is back home again and I should have my beloved template back soon.

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