When I get my template back... - (2001-11-25, 7:40 p.m.)

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Still kinda down about the whole template thing. Blaise said that she had a copy at home though, thank God! I guess I need to stop being so absent-minded and make a notepad copy whenever she puts my template back up. She still has all the images and stuff, so hopefully I'll be back to normal soon!

In the interim, thanks to Lex for the cute design.

Tonight we finished our Christmas tree. It's got about a billion lights on it and no more room for ornaments. I'm kind of a Christmas freak. We drank a drink each, listened to Christmas music and when we were done we called some of our Marine Corps friends that are all across the country just to say hello. I sure do miss them. I think we talked to three separate families today. Being a military family is tough like that.

In other news, I have my second interview on Tuesday, so be thinking of me between the hours of 3 and 5 CST. Very excited...very excited! I am just not fully happy where I am right now and it shows.'

Hubby is going to be signing the paperwork to join the Minnesota Army National Guard. The Marines couldn't offer him much (sound familiar Tif so he went Army. They actually have a budget unlike the Marines. :) So the benefits are pretty good. 80% tuition paid and they will let him keep his rank and put him in the officer's program. Officer's get paid pretty well, so we should be good to go with his military career in about two years.

When I get my template back I need to add a link for our Ladies World Domination & Book Club book. I just don't have the energy to do it to this template. Ugh...and to make it worse tomorrow is Monday.

By the way, Bridget Jones's diary was kind of disappointing compared to the book. If you've read the book, don't rent the DVD. You'll be at a loss. Joe Dirt, well, we couldn't watch more than 1/2 an hour of it. It was that bad. Not even funny in our opinion anyway. At least we got to spend time together. I love snuggling on the couch!

I'm going to go pretend to watch the game with Hubby. I don't care for football but he loves it. I humor him sometimes. :)

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