Thanksgiving Day - (2001-11-22, 10:20 p.m.)

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So I survived the in-laws. I just don't like hanging out there for an extended period of time.

First of all my stepsister-in-law, it will be a true miracle if she is not pregnant by the time she is 17. She dresses like a tramp sometimes and has been caught having sex over at her boyfriends' house. She's all of 15, and not by all that much. She's just got a mouth on her that won't quit either, and it's hard for me to watch her mouth off to her Stepmom and Dad.

My stepfather-in-law, for the most part he's okay. He's just to into getting drunk on the holidays and that makes me uncomfortable. The more he drinks the louder and more obnoxious he gets and the whole thing just adds up to too much. Ugh...

Going to bed. I'll write a happier entry tomorrow.

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